Top tips on how to entertain kids on long car rides

Keeping kids entertained when you’ve planned a road trip is something of a skill. Now that the June/July school holidays are underway, getting through the journey is what will set the mood for the rest of the trip. Whether you’re travelling for a few days or a few hours, being prepared is key. With the right activities and toys, you’ll be wondering when the ‘are we there yet?’ chant sets in.

For babies, toddlers, and everyone in the car, keeping busy is essential to comfort. It means minimal distractions for the parent who is driving, enhances the experience for the kids, and reduces restlessness and discomfort while sitting for long periods of time. 

Here’s how you can entertain your kids on a long road trip 

1. Bring the right snacks

For any road trip, snacks not only keep kids physically busy, but keep their appetites from turning into a tantrum. However, depending on the age of your children, bringing age-appropriate snacks is one key part when preparing the patkos. From baby and toddler to teen, write a checklist of what you think everyone might like. 

Side tip: Keep sugar to the absolute minimum.

2. Make Pit Stops 

Making a pitstop is not only for filling up, but it allows everyone to do what they need too. More importantly, making that much needed trip to the bathroom. Halfway houses are also great for stretching legs, getting some fresh air and restocking refreshments. 

3. Offer activity books or fun packs 

Unless they get car sick, these are great for keeping their mind stimulated during the drive. With a set of crayons ready, notebooks, stickers, mini dolls, and whatever fun that is hiding within the fun pack or activity book, you can keep them busy without it becoming a mess. 

4. Download a movie

If you want to keep screen time to a minimum (stimulation included), maybe play a movie towards the last stretch of the trip. You can set up an iPad on the back of the driver’s chair and passenger’s chair for good measure.


With every road trip come challenges, especially when you have a full car. Nevertheless, by sticking to these tips, you’re sure to have a wonderful time ahead. 

Remember to prep and organise when packing fun things for the car i.e. storage.

If you need tips on how to keep your car up to scratch before a road trip, check out our blog: Essential car maintenance road trip checklist

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